Grand Hotel dei Castelli - Sestri Levante (GE)

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Sestri Levante e i Castelli
tra storia e leggenda

Legend of Sestri Levante

"There was once a charming place overlooking the Liguria Sea, a corner where the Sea was more blue and where the Sun was in the sky longer. Here the Sirens, enchanted by the magnificent scenario offered by the island, chose their stay and layed on the rocks that, like small thrones, emerged from the water. From the shore, Tigullio, the youngest and beautiful of Tritoni saw a day Segesta, the most beautiful and fascinating of the Sirens with eyes more blue than Sea and hair shining more than Sun and immediately felt in love with her. One night, while the moon made silver the rocks and many, many stars beat like his heart, Tigullio tried to kidnap Segesta, but Neptune, God of the Sea, not liked that this paradise was deprived of the most harmonious of its gems and punished Tigullio making his arm like a rock. An isthmus was born, a great isthmus, which joined the island to the mainland... and even today it is impossible to watch this promontory, those rocks and the sea without thinking about Sirens."

History of Sestri Levante

The history of Castles begins in 1089 when the Island of Sestri Levante became the domain of the Republic of Genoa. In those days Sestri Levante was victim of raids and deportations by the pirates and Saracens. It was to safeguard Sestri people from these raids that consuls of Genoa in 1145 built the Castle of Sestri. Since then the island was turned into a citadel which access through four doors drawn from the walls. Here inhabitants found shelter in case of danger and refuged in the evening finished their business in the village. Between 1151 and 1190 was built the church of St. Nicolo', also wanted by the Republic of Genoa to give religious assistance to the islanders. To increase the safety of the "citadel" were constructed two other Castles, the first built in 1310 and the second, called "dell'Aquila", in 1440. What happened then we can not know and our story brings us during the Second World War when the troops of occupiers chose the peninsula as a refuge and bulwark and when it was heavily bombed and razed to the ground..

Legend of the Castles

There was once a Wizard of finance that, tired of fevered calculations and mundane noises, a day wished to build an oasis for the rest of the soul and for friendship occasions. He went around in various regions; travelled the two Rivieras, to give body to idea and asylum to poetry. Here came the Magician and exclaimed: "On this hill of bliss is beautiful having a rest to stop the shining moment." He called him men of chisel, opened the rich coffers:" Draw a full hands, but give me a fabulous residence, which has to be a break from all the weariness and balms to all concerns." Artisans and artists accepted the request ; they went in search of building rarities to raise the temple to beauty. Columns of porphyry and capitals, amphorae, tanks, mosaics, frames and architraves, arcades and staircases; treasures of the ancient age came to the enchanted promontory for the glory of art and the joy of pilgrims of nostalgia. Nature geave its gifts: bright prospects, superb views, projections and inlets, terraces and lookout, paths and fragrant trees, to adorn recesses and rock silences. In this way were built the magic Castles, that at first were seat of fun of Wizardo and today hatch to sweat rests and fruitful relax of everybody. Children of Nature and Art, Sea and Mountain, green and blue in happy marriage, the Castles have entered into legend and will remain in history. The manufacturer Magician, who valued one of the most beautiful landscapes of Italy, has led to other beaches, satisfied of new fate of Castles no longer « his » but « yours », of those who seek in the Beauty and in contemplation of the landscape a reason to live and forget..."

Historien om Castelli

"Omkring 1920 halvön förvärvades av Riccardo Gualino, finansiär, advokat, industriman och samlare av Biella. Således började återvinningen av halvön från ruinerna och spillrorna av nästan ett sekel av historia och anförtroddes arkitekterna Busiri-Vici från Rom och konstkritikern Lionello Venturi byggandet av tre nya slott. Kapitaler, pelare, fönster med två öppningar som kommit fram ur ruinerna av gamla slott och bysantinska element och bärgats från gamla byggnader i södra Italien, ingick i nybyggnationen. Mellan 1925 och 1929 byggdes tre byggnader: slotten Cipressi, Lecci och Agavi. Omkring 1950 förvandlades hela komplexet till ett lyxigt och elegant hotell"

Historien om Torre Marconi

På toppen av halvön i ett strategiskt läge, fanns ett torn med anor från 1200-talet. Gualino, en nära vän till Guglielmo Marconi, uppmanade forskaren att komma till slottet och ställde till hans förfogande tornet där Nobel gjorde många av hans experiment mellan 1932 och 1934.